I tried to explain it as best I could, and you can read it here if you're interested. Explore Jackie Arnett's board 'bigger leaner stronger' on Pinterest. I posted my workout plan on here yesterday, which is kind of a weird lovechild between the Bigger Leaner Stronger philosophy mixed with Wendlers 5-3-1. I started Michael Matthews workout routine today, starting with chest, and I felt. I tried to explain it as best I could, and you can read it here if you're interested. Just read this book by Michael Matthews yesterday called 'Bigger, Leaner, Stronger.' I was hooked to be honest, I am only a teenager (17) but have been lifting weights since 13, and too read this book, I just learned so much more from it. I am so sick and tired of the myth some women have that they will get bulky if they lift weights, so the fact that he promotes lifting weights in order to get a strong, tight, and lean body really just sent me over the moon. I posted my workout plan on here yesterday, which is kind of a weird lovechild between the Bigger Leaner Stronger philosophy mixed with Wendlers 5-3-1. Not only because it is scientifically proven that women can not get bulky because we don’t have enough testosterone to create that type of musclebut also because it’s extremely empowering as a woman to be physically strong. If I get 6 reps on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd set, great, I'll go up to 140lbs and try and get that for 6 reps for all 3 sets next week. Bigger, Leaner, Stronger author and podcaster Michael Matthews shared his best advice for men who want to lose weight and make physical transformations after 40. Bigger leaner stronger workout 4 day split 'If you want to use strength training for aesthetics, Mike is your source. If I get 6 reps on the 1st and 2nd set but only 5 on the last set, that's great, but I still need to stay at this weight for next week to try and get 6 on the last set. Book 8 of 10: Muscle for Life by Michael Matthews Sep 2, 2014.

If I get 6 reps on the 1st and 2nd set but only 3 on the last set, I need to go down in weight so that I can get at least 6-6-4 for the 3 sets. The Year One Challenge for Women: Thinner, Leaner, and Stronger Than Ever in 12 Months. This means taking a weight that you can get 4-6 reps (as in the book) consistently over 3-4 sets, and then once you can the 6 reps for all 3-4 sets, you move up in weight and start the cycle over.Įxample: If I bench 135lbs 10 times, using this programs philosophy I'll try and do 3 sets of 4-6 reps. I agree it can be a little confusing, but the general principle of the training is that you need to utilize progressive overload.