Doom 3 demo optiona
Doom 3 demo optiona

doom 3 demo optiona
doom 3 demo optiona

Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0b compatibility.

  • Supported Chipsets: ATI® RadeonTM 8500, ATI® RadeonTM 9000, ATI® RadeonTM 9200, ATI® RadeonTM 9500, ATI® RadeonTM 9600, ATI® RadeonTM 9700, ATI® RadeonTM 9800, all nVidia® GeForceTM 3/Ti series, all nVidia® GeForceTM 4MX series, all nVidia® GeForceTM 4/Ti series, all nVidia® GeForceTM FX series, nVidia® GeForceTM 6800*Important Note: Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipset listed here may not be compatible with the 3D accelerator features utilized by Doom 3.

  • Multiplayer Requirements: Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers, LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
  • Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 16-bit sound card and the latest drivers.

    Hard Drive: 2.2GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for Windows® swap file).Graphics: 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card and the lateset drivers.Processor: Pentium®IV 1.5 GHz or Athlon® XP 1500+ processor or higher.Open the WeathermanDemo folder and use one of the following options: a) weatherman720p.bat -> starts Weatherman in 720p, windowmode. Put the WeathermanDemo directory into your Doom 3 Folder (not base).

    doom 3 demo optiona


  • OS: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP (Does not support Windows Vista/7) First make sure you have your Doom 3 updated to Patch 1.3.1 and you run windows.
  • You came in here implying that your poor performance was due to Carmack being a lousy coder and wonder why everyone jumped on you? You probably wonder why your car (1985 Plymouth Horizon) doesn't go 0-60 in 3.2 seconds after you change into shorts and use premium gas.Ĭlicknext said it best - "Why don't you try playing the game instead of turning all the graphics off and benchmarking pointlessly? Afterall, games are for playing." - and maybe you should try playing the game and seeing if it works for you instread of defeating the purpose of the engine (to make pretty pictures) by stipping away all the candy-coating for some juvenille wang-measuring purpose. ITS PRATY FUNY HOW ONLY ON3 P3RSON ACTUALY TREID 2 GIEV AN EXPLANATION (THANK U BGFG10K AND STAP元S) WHIEL TEH REST OF U POINTLESLY SPMMED ME!1!!!11 OMG I N3VER SADE IT WAS A PEIC3 OF CRAP ANGIEN IMM JUST CURIOUS AS 2 Y IT PERFORMS SO PORLY WHAN AL OF DA ADVANCED GRAPHICS OPTIONS R TURNED OF!!1!1!1 WTF LOL I RILLY DIDNT THINK I WAS GOIGN 2 OF3ND 90% OF TEH PEOPLA WHO R3AD TEH POST1!!! OMG WTF LOL I WUD STIL LIEK 2 H3AR SOM3 OTHER AXPLANATIONS AND OTH3R P3OPLES R3SULTS WUD B NIEC 2!1!1!! WTF LOL BUT IF UR PLANNG 2 AD ANOTHER WUT DO U KNOW ABOUT CODNG MR!!11!1! WTF 8 POSTS R3PLY THEN PLZ JUST DONT11!1! WTF LOL HOP3 TAHTS NOT 2 MUCH 2 ASK!1!! OMG LOL Original version of the last post follows: Set the quality to low, turn all of the advanced options off, and run timedemo mo.

    doom 3 demo optiona

    And please, if you have doom 3, post your results and system specs. I would love for someone to come up with a good explanation for this horrendous performance on pretty decent hardware. I mean the graphics can't possibly be anything more than quake3 at its highest level (and I get around 300fps high quality 1024x768). I would think I would be getting 200+ fps with these kind of conditions. The polygon count is very low, the texture resolution is very low, and no advanced effects like bump mapping or specular highlights are enabled. Theres nothing special going on with the graphics as far as I can tell. I don't understand how the score can be that low with this system. Then I did timedemo mo, and all I got for a score was ~72fps. I set the quality to low, and disabled everything in the advanced options menu, and set the resolution to 640x480. I would love to get some additional input here.

    Doom 3 demo optiona